Consultancy and Technical Assistance services are intended to transfer accumulated experience and specialised knowledge through solutions that enhance financial, economic and environmental improvements.
From the core solutions, we highlight the planning of new capital investments, new regulatory requirements or specific needs in terms of studies, design projects or project management.
These actions aim to respond to the needs of restructuring processes and strategies, specific training in new technologies, digitalisation and new infrastructures.
- Energy efficiency
- Commercial effectiveness
- Transfer of know-how
- Non-Revenue Water (NRW) Reduction Plans
- Plans to reduce inflows and rainwater infiltration
- Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Optimisation and Asset Management
- Emergency response planning
- Information technology and operation strategy
- Customer management
Main Benefits
Definition of strategies, goals, indicators, and objectives for the company
Enhance the qualifications and specialisation of Human Resources
Successfully implemented and verified business processes
Performance Indicators
Improvements in financial, economic and/or environmental indexes
Greater efficiency in operational resources
Reduction of Water Losses
Support for business development
Reduction in the percentage of costs